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Community Engagement Agency

Our Tools Library

to share knowledge and aroha

Our ever-growing library of tools enables us to facilitate conversations, uncover strengths, and tackle challenges, and we’re excited
to share them with you.

Though organised into categories, these are only a guide — each tool can be tailored to fit your unique project. We’re here to assist with that, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any support!




Using tools is an excellent way to enhance engagement, drive meaningful outcomes, encourage active participation, and ensure successful results.

Gathering Information:

Creative Approach

Creative approaches inspire innovative thinking, foster active participation, and help connect people. They contribute to a positive environment that supports collaboration and enhances individual and community health. 

Useful Cards:


Contact us anytime:

  • We can help you to make the most of a tool through our workshops.


    We can customise and adapt any tool to suit your unique project.

  • We can create tools specifically designed for your project's success.

Feel free to download, print and play with the tools and share your thoughts with us.
All tools are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


Join our community

We love sharing information about good change happening around us. If you want to stay in touch, sign up below and we will keep you in the loop every now and again.

Thanks for submitting!

+64 21 2456 898

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We respect ngā iwi taketake, and acknowledge translations of te reo Māori versions of He Whakaputanga and Te Tiriti o Waitangi as foundational documents of Aotearoa New Zealand. These documents and direct engagement with local Māori guide our commitment to partnership, protection, participation and allyship in all our work. 

© All rights reserved by Catalyse


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